Testing Hubs Terms of Use, Service

By using this website to any extent, you agree to the following terms:

  1. This website operates in good faith but offers no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the function, effectiveness, or quality of this website, nor as to the appropriateness of this website for any particular purpose.

  2. You use this website at your own risk. Aside from requesting refunds of amounts paid to extend Testing Hubs or purchase coupon codes, your only recourse on being injured, offended, disappointed, inconvenienced, or otherwise harmed by your use of this website, or due to any circumstance arising from your use of this website, is to discontinue your use of it. Under no circumstances will you hold this website or its parent entity or any of its owners liable for any instance of harm attributable to your use of this site.

  3. You will not use this website for any malicious, obscene, or illegal purpose.

  4. You will not include vulgarity or profanity in any language, nor any obscene images, in the content you post to this website.

  5. Beyond fair use, you will not post any copyrighted material to this website unless 1) you yourself are the copyright owner or 2) you are authorized by the copyright owner to use the material in the context of this website.

  6. At the sole discretion of the administrators of this website, any offensive (vulgar, profane, illegal, malicious, etc.) content you post to this website may be deleted, with or without notice.

  7. At the sole discretion of the administrators of this website, your ability to use this website may be curbed or eliminated in response to evidence of bad-faith actions on your part.

  8. If you pay to extend a Testing Hub, your full payment will be refunded at your request as long as the refund request is made prior to the expiration of the paid-for term. No refunds will be issued for Testing Hub extension terms that have already run to completion. Whenever a refund is issued, the relevant Testing Hub will expire immediately and become unavailable.

  9. If you pay to purchase coupon codes, a full or partial refund of your payment will be made at your request. The relevant coupon codes will be rendered null and void. Any Testing Hubs currently extended with any of the relevant coupon codes will expire immediately and become unavailble. No refunds will be issued for coupon codes applied to Testing Hub extension terms that have already run to completion.

  10. Although they are loosely coupled with particular user accounts, coupon codes are transferable. Refunds for purchased coupon codes can be issued only to the original purchaser, however.

  11. These terms are subject to change in the future, at the sole discretion of the administrators of this website.